Message from the Honorary Consul

Welcome to the website of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Bratislava!

The Honorary Consulate was opened in 2010. Its purpose is to represent the commercial and cultural interests of Azerbaijan in Slovakia and Slovakia in Azerbaijan. I believe that it will contribute to the strenghtening of the relations between the two countries and that it will expand the field of their cooperation.

The Honorary Consulate helps to develop the relations between the state organs of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Slovak Republic. It supports the economic, commercial, financial, transport, scientific, educational, tourist, cultural, sports and other state organizations and institutions, private individuals and legal entities and helps with the organization of business contacts and events.

Honorary Consulate cooperates in the organization of the official visits of  Azerbaijan and Slovakia and supports the activities of the Embassy.

Among other goals, the Honorary Consulate helps and supports scientists, artists, journalists, teachers, lecturers, students, tourist agencies of the Republic of Azerbaijan during their work in Slovakia, as well as the above-mentioned from Slovakia during their work in Azerbaijan.

The Honorary Consulate of Azerbaijan protects the interests of individuals and legal entities of the Azerbaijan Republic in Slovakia as well as those of the Slovak Republic in Azerbaijan and provides them with assistance and support to the extent permitted by international law.

One of the functions of the Honorary Consulate is the support of the development of all-round relations between Azerbaijan and Slovakia by means of the distribution of the information about Azerbaijan, general business opportunities in Azerbaijan, travel opportunities and traditions in the country. The Honorary Consulate provides the same information to those interested in Slovakia.
You will be informed about our activities through our website.

You will learn more about the activities of the Honorary Consulate, read news related to current situation in Azerbaijan and get to know how to apply for a visa.

This webpage is also a guide to my homeland: it will lead you through its history and nature, you will get acquainted with the leading figures of Azerbaijan.

I hope that your virtual visit would be helpful and informative, whether you are planning to travel to Azerbaijan on business or as a tourist. The content of this webpage is created in a way to be a reliable and comprehensive source of verified information about Azerbaijan. Nevertheless, we welcome your suggestions and ideas to improve it in the future. In case you will not find what you need, feel free to contact us.

All the best,

Džalal Gasymov
Honorary Consul of Azerbaijan in Slovakia

Honorárny konzulát
Azerbajdžanskej republiky

Klobučnícka 4
811 01 Bratislava
Slovenská republika

Telefón: 00421/2/54 64 9041
Fax: 00421/2/54 64 9043
Mobil: 00421/911 44 99 05
Skype: azkonzulat