Minister of Foreign Affairs

Elmar Maharram oglu Mammadyarov

Born: July 2 1960, Baku, Azerbaijan
Education: Kiev State University, School of International Relations and International Law, 1977-1982
1982-1988 Second Secretary, First Secretary, MFA
1988-1991 Diplomatic Academy of the MFA of USSR,  PhD in History
1989-1990 Exchange Scholar at Brown University, Center for Foreign Policy Development,
1991-1992 Director, Division of State Protocol, MFA
1992-1995 First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the UN, New York
1995-1998 Deputy Director, Department of International Organizations, MFA
1998-2003 Counselor, Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the USA
2003-2004 Ambassador, Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Italy
April 2, 2004
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Foreign languages: English, Russian, Turkish

90. Anniversary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs JULY 2009

Honorárny konzulát
Azerbajdžanskej republiky

Klobučnícka 4
811 01 Bratislava
Slovenská republika

Telefón: 00421/2/54 64 9041
Fax: 00421/2/54 64 9043
Mobil: 00421/911 44 99 05
Skype: azkonzulat