Azerbaijani soldier grave found

A grave of an Azerbaijani soldier Vladimir Ragimov was found in woods of Svätý Jur village near Bratislava.
For years, the grave has been kept and taken care of by villagers.
By happy coincidence, we got to know about the place and came to  memorialize soldier’s tragic death that took place just one day before the liberation of Bratislava from fascism.

Honorárny konzulát
Azerbajdžanskej republiky

Klobučnícka 4
811 01 Bratislava
Slovenská republika

Telefón: 00421/2/54 64 9041
Fax: 00421/2/54 64 9043
Mobil: 00421/911 44 99 05
Skype: azkonzulat