Important contacts
Country calling code: | +994 |
Calling code of Baku: | +994 12 |
Mobile operators: | Azercell (8-50), Bakcell (8-55), Narmobil (0-70), Azeurocell |
Fire service: | 01 |
Police: | 02 |
Ambulance service + Emergency: | 03 |
Information about telephone numbers: | 09 |
Information – airport: | +994-12-49 72 727 |
Airport Baku | +994-12-25-79-00 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Address: | Şıxəli Qurbanov küçəsi 4 Bakı, Azərbaycan, AZ 1009 |
Telephone: | +994-12-59 69 000 |
Fax: | +994-12-59 69 001 |
Website: | |
E- mail: | |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Address: | Hlboká cesta 2 833 36 Bratislava 37 SR |
Telephone: | if you call from Slovakia: 02 / 5978 1111 if you call from abroad: 00421-2 / 5978 1111 |
Fax: | if you call from Slovakia: 02 / 5978 3333 if you call from abroad: 00421-2 / 5978 3333 |
Website: | |
E- mail: | |